Why We Still Need Stationery In Our Digital World

Why We Still Need Stationery In Our Digital World

A simple product that’s stood the test of time, that’s been used since the Egyptian Era and something we still use today- the humble pen and paper! Where would we be without it? But is there still a need for stationery in our digital world?

It’s Personal

Although so many things are going digital for a number of reasons, I think there is still and always will be a place for the simple act of physically writing things down. There is something special about the relationship we have with our journals. It’s personal, like we’re talking to a best friend. They know everything about you- your fears, your aspirations, secrets and most inner thoughts that flow through your pen onto the paper. You know you can trust them because they can keep a secret. You won’t find any validation with a journal, no comparisons or standards to reach. Just blank pages ready for to write your own story, without fear or judgement.


I always find it hard to write any piece of writing without first at least jotting some notes down on a piece of paper first. Bullet points or brainstorming ideas. The simple act of using my hand to write just opens up my mind more than tapping on keys. Once you have a pen (or pencil or paint brush) in your hand, you’re free to unleash your creativity. You can create anything with the freedom to take the pen where you want to go without the constraints of a programme.

Take a Break

Sometimes we really need to take a break away from our devices- it’s not good for our minds (or our eyes!) to be looking at a screen 24/7. When physically writing your to do list, goals or thoughts for the day, you can do so without being interrupted by your screen flashing with notifications and text messages. It gives you the space to switch off and clear your mind.  It’s one of the reasons why I can’t use E-Readers, I find I can’t absorb myself into the story. I like to physically hold a book in my hand and it feels more personal from the author. Plus no screen glare, which drives me nuts!

But What About The Environment?

I know that there are many plusses for going digital, it reduces our consumption, unnecessary production and means we have less clutter in our lives. All very important stuff and it’s something I battled with a bit myself before I started my business. As someone who has been actively trying to reduce waste and become a more conscious consumer, here I am creating a product that is essentially single use. But that’s why I made the decision to make stationery from recycled materials, using eco-friendly inks. We can still love our stationery whilst supporting small responsible companies, raising awareness and vital funds for environmental issues. Without the guilt of thinking we’re destroying the forests of the world because of our love of notebooks. When you are finished with your notebook, it can be easily recycled again with the potential of it turning into your new notebook!


I think our love of stationery will stand the test of time, keeping us organised, creative and allowing us to to pass down memories (without being lost in the cloud!) Plus it’s just too darn pretty to be without.




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